Industrial Biomass Boiler:Prices and Running Costs

April 02, 2024

A biomass boiler is an efficient, environmentally friendly boiler that uses biomass, a renewable energy source, as fuel. It not only replaces traditional fossil energy sources and reduces environmental pollution, but also plays an important role in today's industrial landscape.

With global climate change and increasing energy consumption, more and more companies are turning to a sustainable development model and seeking more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient solutions. Biomass boilers are a technology that meets this need and has great potential. It utilizes renewable resources such as waste, crop residues, and wood as its main fuel, radically reducing dependence on fossil energy.

In this paper, we will focus on the price and operating costs of industrial biomass boilers. In addition to discussing their environmental and cost benefits, we will also delve into the place and significance of biomass boilers in today's industrial landscape. By analyzing this in detail, we hope to provide industrial companies with a more comprehensive understanding that will help them make informed decisions about their energy choices, thus achieving the twin goals of sustainability and economic efficiency.

Understanding Industrial Biomass Boilers

An industrial biomass boiler is a type of boiler that utilizes natural biomass as a fuel, and they are widely used in the industrial sector. In contrast, residential boilers typically use traditional fossil energy sources such as natural gas, oil, or diesel as fuel. There is a distinct difference between these two types of boilers.

Biomass is a renewable resource that includes both plant and animal categories such as wood, crop residues, waste food, and more. In contrast, traditional fossil energy sources lead to precise and irreversible carbon emissions.

Industrial biomass boilers possess greater capacity and power compared to residential boilers. As these boilers are required to meet huge industrial demands, their operational efficiency is also very important. In this regard, industrial biomass boilers offer significant advantages. Firstly, they produce a small amount of carbon emissions during their use and can ultimately be zero-emission when standardized clean technologies are used; secondly, they are also able to make efficient use of waste resources, which to a certain extent solves the problem of waste disposal; and lastly, they remain highly efficient over long periods of operation.

Another important difference is the type of fuel used and its benefits. Conventional residential boilers use natural gas, oil, or diesel as their main source of power, and are more dependent on external factors for supply and susceptible to price fluctuations. Industrial biomass boilers, however, have a more stable supply of renewable resources, which means that their cost of ownership is more manageable and makes them a long-term investment.

Industrial Biomass Boiler Prices

The industrial biomass boiler is an efficient and environmentally friendly energy alternative that is becoming increasingly popular with industry. It can utilize renewable resources such as waste and crop residues as fuel, reducing both environmental pressures and business energy costs. However, many people still have questions about the price of industrial biomass boilers. Small, medium, and large industrial biomass boilers have different cost ranges and different factors affecting the cost.

Typically, small boilers are suitable for smaller businesses or processing plants; medium-sized boilers are for medium-sized manufacturing or processing companies; and large boilers are mainly for those with larger production requirements or multinational companies.

Capacity is also an important consideration. The higher the capacity, the higher the price. This is because a larger capacity means a more complex design and more material costs.

Functionality is also one of the important factors that affect the price of industrial biomass boilers. Boilers with different features have different technological configurations and operating modes, thus also affecting the cost.

Based on these considerations, the price range of a small industrial biomass boiler in the market usually ranges from RMB 100,000 to 300,000; medium-sized ranges between RMB 300,000 and 800,000; and large-sized may require an investment of more than RMB 1 million. Of course, this is only a rough estimate and does not represent the full picture.

Running Costs and Efficiency

When it comes to running costs and efficiency, industrial biomass boilers use organic materials such as wood chips, sawdust, and agricultural waste as fuel, making them a renewable and sustainable energy option. However, as with any other boiler system, their efficiency can vary depending on a variety of factors.

Industrial biomass boilers typically have efficiencies between 70 and 90 percent, depending on several factors, including boiler design, fuel quality, and combustion control. Biomass fuels have a lower moisture content and higher calorific value than coal or oil.

To optimize the efficiency of an industrial biomass boiler, several factors need to be considered. The most critical factor is the type of biomass fuel used. Different types of biomass fuels have different levels of moisture content, ash content, and calorific value, which can significantly affect the performance of the boiler. To improve the efficiency of industrial biomass boilers the following measures can be taken:

1.Regular maintenance and cleaning: Maintain the cleanliness and integrity of the boiler system and regularly clean the boiler interior and pipework to ensure smooth combustion and heat transfer.

2.Combustion control: Adopt advanced combustion control technology, such as adjusting the ratio of air and fuel, optimizing the combustion process, and improving combustion efficiency and heat energy utilization.

3.Boiler Design Improvement: Adopt advanced boiler design and technology to improve the heat transfer efficiency and heat recovery rate of the boiler, and reduce energy loss and fuel consumption.

It is important to note that investing in a quality biomass boiler from a reputable manufacturer may require a higher upfront cost, but it will pay off in the long run. These boilers are designed with advanced technology to ensure optimum performance and reduce operating costs.EPCB boilers, with their advanced technology and reliable quality, provide the ideal solution to help customers optimize performance, reduce operating costs and achieve efficient use of sustainable energy.

Installation Considerations and Costs

Installing any new system requires careful consideration and planning, with important factors and considerations to bear in mind, as well as a breakdown of the associated costs.

Before delving into the installation of the industrial biomass boiler itself, it is vital to thoroughly understand the requirements and specifications of the industrial biomass boiler system. This involves looking into its compatibility with the existing system and any necessary adjustments that may need to be made. It is highly recommended to consult a professional who specializes in this type of installation, as they have the expertise to deal with complex setups effectively. They can also provide information on potential pitfalls that may arise during the installation process, avoiding additional costly losses for the user.

Pre-installation preparation: Before starting the installation, a site assessment is required to determine the best location and installation options. This may involve work such as an assessment of the building structure, pipework layout design, etc.

Installation of equipment: Installing the biomass boiler itself is a critical step. This involves mounting the boiler body on a foundation and connecting pipework, chimneys, water systems, and other equipment.

Commissioning and adjustments: Once the installation is complete, the biomass boiler will need to be commissioned and adjusted to ensure that it operates properly. This may include adjusting the combustion control system, checking pipework connections, and other tasks.

Integration with existing systems: If the biomass boiler is being used to replace an existing boiler system, integration work with the existing system will also be required. This may involve work such as piping modifications, control system updates, etc.

Installation costs vary widely depending on several key factors such as equipment costs, labor costs, material costs, site preparation, and commissioning costs, costs of integrating existing systems, etc. In general, however, it is not unreasonable to expect costs to range from a few thousand dollars to tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the various variables mentioned above that are specific to each project scenario.

Benefits of Industrial Biomass Boilers

An industrial biomass boiler is a sustainable energy solution that replaces traditional fossil fuel boilers. It utilizes renewable biomass energy sources such as wood chips, wheat straw and vegetable oils as the main fuel to provide the required energy. The use of industrial biomass boilers not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also has several economic and environmental benefits.

1. The use of biomass boilers can significantly reduce operating costs.

As renewable energy prices are relatively stable and often cheaper than fossil fuels, companies can make significant savings in the long term. In addition, subsidies are available in many countries for the use of renewable energy sources, further helping to reduce running costs.

2. Using an industrial biomass boiler can help offset installation costs

Whilst the initial investment may be higher than a conventional boiler system, given the long term savings in running costs and government subsidies, the investment will actually be recouped and ultimately be more profitable.

3. The use of industrial biomass boilers can significantly improve a company's environmental image

Biomass energy sources are cleaner and more environmentally friendly than traditional fossil energy sources because they release only as much carbon dioxide during combustion as is absorbed by their plant material. This helps to reduce a company's carbon footprint and is in line with the current global trend of promoting sustainable development.

4. The use of industrial biomass boilers can also lead to regional development and employment opportunities.

All aspects of the process, from planting, gathering, processing to transporting, require the involvement of a large number of human beings, so the use of biomass energy can promote the development of the local economy and create more employment opportunities.

All in all, switching to industrial biomass boilers is a choice with long-term significance. In addition to the economic benefits it brings to businesses, it also plays an important role in achieving sustainable development goals. With the growing demand for renewable energy and increased policy support, the future will see more and more industrial sectors switching to biomass energy boilers and enjoying the many benefits they bring.


Industrial biomass boilers represent an innovative and indispensable approach to a sustainable manufacturing future. It envisions an area where economic progress does not have to come at the expense of our environmental resources. By balancing cost, efficiency, and environmental impact, these boilers are not only the responsible choice but also a benchmark for the industry as a whole. In this context, EPCB boilers are the ideal choice due to their advanced technology and reliable quality. With its comprehensive experience in manufacturing biomass boilers, efficient combustion systems, and reliable product quality, EPCB Boiler offers sustainable and efficient solutions for industrial customers.


What is an industrial biomass boiler?

An industrial biomass boiler is a type of boiler equipment specially designed for use in the industrial sector, where the fuel is mainly derived from biomass resources such as wood, wood chips, straw, waste agricultural and forestry waste, etc.

How does an industrial biomass boiler work?

Industrial biomass boilers use biomass fuels (e.g. wood chips, straw, woodchips, etc.) as an energy source to produce steam or hot water by burning the heat energy released from the biomass, which is used for heating, steam power, or power generation in industrial production.

What type of biomass fuel is best?

The best type of biomass fuel depends on the industrial process and the local availability of various organic materials. For example, wood chips are often ideal for heating applications, while palm kernel shells may be more suitable for power generation.

What are the average costs and savings?

Industrial biomass boilers adopt high-efficiency combustion technology and intelligent control systems, and their calorific value utilization rate reaches more than 85%, which is much higher than that of traditional fuel boilers. In terms of average cost, when buying an industrial biomass boiler of the same specification and size compared with a traditional fossil energy boiler, the former is about twice as expensive as the latter.

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