What are Common After-Sales Issues with Thermal Oil Boiler and How to Resolve Them?

September 25, 2024

Thermal oil boiler, also known as organic heat carrier boiler, is a kind of heating equipment with thermal oil as heat transfer medium. It has been widely used in various industrial applications, especially in chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food processing and other industries that need stable heat sources because of its advantages of efficient heat transfer, accurate temperature control, energy saving and environmental protection. Thermal oil boiler can provide high-temperature heat source under lower working pressure, which reduces the operating cost and safety risk of enterprises. However, due to its complex system and long-term high-temperature operation, the thermal oil boiler may encounter some technical problems during its use, which will affect the equipment performance and production efficiency.

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However, in the long-term use of thermal oil boilers, problems such as thermal oil deterioration, pipe coking, heater failure, hot oil pump oil leakage, etc. are often encountered. If these problems are not handled in time and effectively, it may lead to the decrease of system efficiency, the increase of downtime in the production process, and even affect the normal operation of the production line. In addition, improper equipment maintenance may increase energy consumption and maintenance costs, and even lead to security risks.

As a well-known boiler manufacturer in China, EPCB boiler will combine the field experience of dozens of users of Thermal oil boilers, and in this paper, several common after-sales problems of Thermal oil boilers in industrial applications will be discussed in detail, and corresponding solutions will be provided.

Common After-Sales Issues with Thermal Oil Boiler and How to Resolve Them

Common After-sales Problems and Causes Analysis

Common After-sales Problems and Causes Analysis

Thermal oil leakage

Cause: The Thermal oil boiler is a working system composed of various equipment parts, and the thermal oil leakage is one of the common fault problems of thermal oil boiler.

Common reasons include:

Pipeline aging: After long-term operation of thermal oil boiler, the pipeline will age due to high temperature and high pressure environment, resulting in its strength decline and leakage.

Loose joint or seal failure: the joint of boiler pipeline is affected by long-term thermal expansion and cold contraction, which may lead to loose joint and failure of sealing material, and then lead to leakage.


Check the connection points of pipelines regularly: especially on the equipment that has been running for a long time, check the connection points and key parts regularly to ensure that the fasteners are not loose.

Use high-quality sealing materials: In order to improve the sealing effect, it is recommended to choose high-temperature and corrosion-resistant sealing materials to adapt to the special working conditions of thermal oil.

Replace damaged parts in time: When aging or damaged pipes and seals are found, they should be replaced immediately to avoid further failure.

The thermal efficiency of boiler decreases

Cause: The decline of boiler thermal efficiency is a common problem in industrial production, which directly affects the energy utilization rate and production cost of enterprises.

Common reasons for the decline of thermal efficiency of thermal oil boilers include:

Aging of thermal oil: With the passage of time, thermal oil will gradually decompose in high temperature environment, resulting in the decline of its heat transfer performance.

Fouling in heat exchanger: The accumulation of dirt on the inner wall of heat exchanger will reduce the heat transfer efficiency and hinder the effective transfer of heat.

Combustion system failure: The failure or improper adjustment of the burner will lead to incomplete combustion and decrease the utilization efficiency of heat energy.


Replace the thermal oil regularly: by monitoring the performance of oil products, replace the aging thermal oil in time to ensure the heat transfer efficiency.

Cleaning the heat exchanger: regularly clean the inner wall of the heat exchanger to prevent dirt accumulation from affecting heat conduction.

Check and adjust the burner: ensure that the burner is in good working condition, check its combustion efficiency regularly, and adjust and maintain it if necessary.

Temperature fluctuation

Reason: Temperature fluctuation of Thermal oil boiler will affect the stability of production. 

Common reasons include:

Control system failure: the automatic control system of the boiler has failed, and the temperature cannot be accurately adjusted.

Sensor aging: After long-term use, the accuracy of the temperature sensor may decrease, and it is impossible to accurately detect the temperature change.


Check the control system and sensors: check the running status of the control system regularly to ensure its quick response and accurate temperature adjustment.

Replace the sensor if necessary: If the temperature detection is inaccurate, replace the sensor in time to avoid affecting the boiler operation.

Pipe blockage

Cause: The pipe blockage of thermal oil system will affect the whole thermal oil circulation, resulting in a decrease in heating efficiency.

Common reasons include:

Impurity deposition in thermal oil: With the increase of operation time, impurities may be mixed in thermal oil, which will deposit in the pipeline and lead to blockage.

The system has not been cleaned for a long time: the system that has not been cleaned regularly is easy to accumulate dirt and deposits, which will eventually lead to pipeline blockage.


Replace and filter the thermal oil regularly: keep the cleanliness of the thermal oil, filter impurities regularly, and replace the thermal oil if necessary.

Clean up the deposits on the inner wall of the pipeline: check and clean the pipeline regularly to avoid the accumulation of impurities affecting the circulation of thermal oil.

Abnormal pump operation

Cause: : The pump is an important power component in the Thermal oil boiler system, and its running state directly affects the circulation and heat transfer of oil products.

 Common reasons include:

Wear and tear of pump: Long-term operation of the pump will lead to performance degradation due to mechanical wear.

Insufficient lubrication: Poor lubrication of the pump will increase friction and shorten the service life of the pump.

Motor failure: Motor failure will affect the normal operation of the pump, resulting in system cycle interruption.


Check the lubrication of the pump regularly: ensure that the lubrication system of the pump works normally and replenish the lubricating oil in time.

Replacement of worn parts: When the key parts of the pump are found to be worn, they should be replaced in time to avoid major failure of the pump.

Check the motor status: check the motor operation regularly, and repair or replace it in time if it is abnormal.

Burner ignition failure

Cause: The burner is the core component of the boiler system, and its ignition failure may cause the boiler to fail to start or lack of heat. 

Common reasons include:

Aging of ignition electrode: With the increase of service time, the ignition electrode will gradually age, resulting in poor ignition.

Insufficient fuel supply: blockage or insufficient fuel supply in the fuel system will cause the burner to fail to operate normally.


Check and clean the ignition electrode: Check and clean the ignition electrode regularly to ensure that it is in good condition.

Ensure the normal operation of the fuel supply system: regularly maintain the fuel supply system, check the fuel pipeline and supply equipment to ensure the smooth fuel supply.

Steps to solve after-sales problems

Steps to solve after-sales problems

Troubleshoot the problem

Formulation of troubleshooting list

In order to solve the problem of Thermal oil boiler quickly and effectively, a detailed troubleshooting list should be made first. The list should clearly list the possible fault sources and prioritize them according to the severity and frequency of the problems. Common troubleshooting items include checking the quality of thermal oil, the running state of burner and the accuracy of sensor. Checking one by one according to priority is helpful to shorten the diagnosis time and improve the efficiency of checking.

Monitor boiler data

All kinds of data (such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, etc.) generated during the operation of Thermal oil boilers are important basis for troubleshooting problems. By analyzing these data, we can quickly locate the root of the problem. For example, temperature fluctuation may indicate sensor failure, and low combustion efficiency may be related to fuel supply. Therefore, maintaining long-term monitoring of Thermal oil boiler data and comparing historical data is helpful to quickly find anomalies.

Remote diagnosis

Modern boiler systems are often equipped with remote monitoring function, which enables technicians to monitor the running status of boilers in real time through the Internet without arriving at the site. The remote monitoring system can give an alarm in time when problems occur, and provide relevant data to help the after-sales team take measures quickly. Remote diagnosis greatly shortens the response time, which is especially important for customers who are geographically far away.

On-site maintenance

Rapid response mechanism

In order to reduce downtime and production losses, the after-sales service team should establish a 24/7 rapid response mechanism to ensure that customers can provide immediate support when they have problems. This requires adequate service personnel and a clear response process to ensure that the after-sales team can arrive at the scene and carry out maintenance work in the shortest time.

Replace damaged parts

The key to on-site maintenance is to be able to replace damaged parts quickly. In order to avoid the maintenance delay caused by the shortage of spare parts, enterprises should establish a perfect spare parts inventory system to ensure the adequate supply of commonly used spare parts. In the long-term operation of Thermal oil boiler, some vulnerable parts such as pumps, seals and sensors may need to be replaced frequently, and timely supply of spare parts can greatly shorten the downtime.

Maintenance and maintenance

Routine maintenance

Regular maintenance of boiler is the key to ensure its efficient and stable operation. According to the working time, operating load and use environment of the equipment, the corresponding maintenance plan is formulated, including cleaning the heat exchanger regularly, checking the quality of oil products, detecting the state of the burner, etc. Regular maintenance can effectively reduce the occurrence of sudden failures and prolong the service life of equipment.

Operation training

In order to reduce the equipment failure caused by human error, it is very important to train the operators regularly. Operators should master the basic operation principle, common fault identification methods and countermeasures of Thermal oil boilers. This can not only improve the emergency handling ability when a fault occurs, but also reduce the probability of misoperation in daily use.

Preventive measures

Data monitoring and early warning system

Among the preventive measures, the most important thing is to establish a perfect data monitoring and early warning system. By installing remote monitoring and data analysis system, enterprises can grasp the running state of boilers in real time. Once a key parameter exceeds the set value, the system will automatically give an alarm to remind the operator to take action in advance to prevent the problem from further expanding.

Equipment upgrade and optimization

With the continuous development of technology, regular upgrading and optimization of boiler equipment can effectively prevent after-sales problems. For example, upgrade the combustion system to improve combustion efficiency, install more accurate sensors to reduce temperature fluctuations, and so on. These technical optimizations can not only improve the operation efficiency of equipment, but also reduce the failure rate and maintenance requirements of equipment.

How to prevent common after-sales problems?

How to prevent common after-sales problems

Regular inspection and maintenance

Make a detailed daily inspection list

Regular inspection is the key to prevent common after-sales problems of boilers. In order to ensure the normal operation of boilers and related equipment, it is very important to make a detailed daily inspection list. The inspection items should cover all aspects of boiler operation, including temperature, pressure, combustion state, quality of thermal oil, whether there is leakage at the joint of pipeline, accuracy of sensor, lubrication state of pump, etc. Regular inspection helps to find potential problems in time and take preventive measures to avoid escalating problems.

Replace thermal oil and other vulnerable parts regularly

With the long-term operation of the boiler, the thermal oil will gradually age, which will affect its heat transfer efficiency and lead to the decline of equipment performance. Therefore, it is a necessary measure to replace the thermal oil regularly and maintain its efficient heat transfer ability to ensure the efficient operation of the boiler. In addition, there are many vulnerable parts in the boiler, such as pumps, seals, burners, etc., which are prone to aging or damage in high temperature and high pressure environment. Replacing these vulnerable parts regularly can prevent the operation failure caused by equipment aging, thus reducing the occurrence of after-sales problems.

Technical training and support

Provide continuous training for operators

The skill level and maintenance knowledge of operators directly affect the operation and maintenance effect of boilers. Therefore, enterprises should provide continuous training for operators to ensure that they master the latest operating skills and maintenance methods. These trainings should include the basic operation flow of boilers, the identification and treatment of common faults, and matters needing attention in equipment maintenance. The improvement of the professional quality of operators can effectively reduce the equipment failures caused by human operation errors.

Keep in touch with professional after-sales support team

When complex technical problems occur in equipment, operators may not be able to solve them independently. At this time, it is particularly important to keep close contact with professional after-sales support team. Enterprises should establish a long-term cooperation mechanism with boiler manufacturers or professional after-sales teams to ensure that technical assistance can be obtained at any time when needed. This can not only speed up the solution of the problem, but also help operators accumulate more practical maintenance experience.

Spare parts supply guarantee

Ensure sufficient inventory of key spare parts.

Many key components in boiler system are easy to wear or fail in high temperature and high pressure environment. Therefore, enterprises should ensure that the inventory of these key spare parts is sufficient to avoid maintenance delay caused by spare parts shortage. Common key spare parts include heat conduction oil pump, seal, burner, electrode, etc. By establishing a perfect spare parts management system, enterprises can quickly replace damaged parts when equipment failures occur, reduce downtime and ensure production continuity.

Remote monitoring and early warning

Install remote monitoring system

With the progress of industrial automation technology, remote monitoring system is widely used in boiler maintenance. The installation of remote monitoring system can monitor the running state of boiler in real time, such as temperature, pressure and oil quality. The monitoring system can continuously collect boiler operation data for 24 hours, and find potential problems through data analysis and take action in advance. This technical means can greatly reduce the equipment failure caused by the failure to find the problem in time, thus preventing after-sales problems.

Set up an early warning mechanism

The remote monitoring system can also be combined with an early warning mechanism to notify the operator in time when the system operation parameters are abnormal. For example, the temperature or pressure exceeds the set value, the quality of thermal oil decreases, the burner burns incompletely, etc., which can be quickly fed back to the operator through the early warning system. According to the early warning information, operators can quickly take countermeasures to prevent the problem from getting worse. Early warning mechanism can not only improve the stability of the system, but also help enterprises avoid serious equipment failures and downtime accidents.


Thermal oil boilers are widely used in industrial applications. With its complex operation mechanism and high temperature environment, common after-sales problems inevitably affect equipment performance and production efficiency. Through the detailed analysis of this paper, it can be clearly seen that problems such as thermal oil leakage, thermal efficiency decline, temperature fluctuation, pump failure and burner ignition failure may pose a threat to the normal operation of the boiler. In view of these common problems, it is very important to take effective solutions in time, such as regular inspection, replacement of damaged parts and cleaning of heat exchangers.

Regular maintenance and technical support play a key role in the long-term stable operation of Thermal oil boilers. Making a clear inspection and maintenance plan, providing continuous operator training, maintaining remote monitoring and dealing with potential failures in time are the core strategies to ensure the safe and efficient operation of equipment. Enterprises should pay attention to these maintenance measures to avoid equipment downtime and production losses due to negligence.

In addition, it is equally important to choose a professional after-sales service provider. EPCB boiler has a quick response mechanism, sufficient spare parts supply, remote diagnosis ability and technical support after-sales service team, which can provide comprehensive protection for enterprises. By cooperating with reliable after-sales team, enterprises can minimize equipment failures, improve production efficiency and ensure the efficient and safe operation of Thermal oil boilers. If you are interested in the selection of after-sales services for Thermal oil boiler, please contact EPCB boiler.


1. How long does it take for the Thermal oil boiler to be maintained?

According to the frequency of use, workload and operating environment of the Thermal oil boiler, it is recommended to carry out comprehensive maintenance every 3 to 6 months. This includes checking the quality of thermal oil, cleaning the heat exchanger, checking the working state of the pump and burner, and replacing the necessary wearing parts.

2. What are the common faults of Thermal oil boilers?

  • thermal oil leakage: usually caused by pipeline aging or seal failure.

  • Pump failure: pump wear or insufficient lubrication will lead to poor circulation of thermal oil.

  • Temperature fluctuation: It may be caused by control system failure or sensor aging.

  • Burner ignition failure: it may occur when the ignition electrode is aging or the fuel supply is insufficient.

3. Can after-sales service solve the problem through remote support?

Yes, modern Thermal oil boilers can be equipped with remote monitoring and diagnosis technology, which can solve simple fault problems through real-time data monitoring and diagnosis tools. The after-sales service team can quickly locate the problem through remote connection, make adjustments or guide the operators to solve it.

4. How to choose the appropriate after-sales support service?

When selecting after-sales service providers, we should focus on the following key criteria:

  • Service response speed: the provider should have a 24/7 response mechanism to ensure that technicians can be dispatched to the site quickly when the equipment fails.

  • Technical ability: select suppliers with professional teams, rich industry experience and advanced technical means to ensure that complex problems can be effectively solved.

  • Spare parts supply guarantee: suppliers with sufficient spare parts supply can provide the required parts quickly when problems occur, reducing downtime.

  • Remote diagnosis capability: Service providers with remote monitoring and diagnosis systems can improve the efficiency of problem solving.

5. How to improve the reliability of boiler system?

  • Regular maintenance: check and maintain all parts of the boiler system regularly to ensure that they run in the best condition.

  • Equipment upgrade: regularly upgrade equipment technology, such as installing more efficient combustion systems and sensors to optimize the operating efficiency of boilers.

  • Operator training: through continuous technical training, ensure that operators have the necessary skills, can deal with simple problems in time, and avoid human error.

  • Preventive monitoring: by installing remote monitoring system and early warning mechanism, potential problems can be found in advance to prevent equipment failure.

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