How to improve the efficiency of thermal oil boilers in pharmaceutical plants

August 16, 2024

1.Importance of Thermal Oil Boilers in Pharmaceutical Plants

A thermal oil boiler is a heating device that uses thermal oil as the medium. It generates heat by burning fuel, which heats the thermal oil to the required temperature. This heated oil is then circulated to various heat-using equipment via pumps. The primary function of a thermal oil boiler is to provide a stable and controllable high-temperature heat source, enabling high-temperature operations at lower pressures, thereby ensuring the safety and continuity of the production process.

In the pharmaceutical industry, many production processes, such as the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, drying, concentration, and evaporation, require stable and precise temperature control. Thermal oil boilers are indispensable in pharmaceutical plants because they offer a uniform high-temperature heat source and precise temperature control. Moreover, since they operate without the need for pressurization, they are safer and more reliable, meeting the high standards of safety and process rigor required in the pharmaceutical industry.

However, to enhance the overall production efficiency of pharmaceutical plants and create greater corporate value, improving the efficiency of thermal oil boilers is crucial. A highly efficient thermal oil boiler can significantly reduce energy consumption, lower production costs, and increase production efficiency. Additionally, efficient thermal energy utilization leads to less waste heat and emissions, helping pharmaceutical plants achieve environmental goals and comply with stringent environmental regulations, thus enhancing the company’s market competitiveness and corporate social responsibility image.

improve the efficiency of thermal oil boilers in pharmaceutical plants

2.Working Principle of Thermal Oil Boilers

The thermal oil boiler is mainly composed of the boiler body, burner, thermal oil circulation system, expansion tank, oil storage tank, control system and chimney. The boiler body is the core area of combustion and heating. The burner provides the heat source and heats the thermal oil through the heat energy generated by combustion. The thermal oil circulates in the circulation system, the expansion tank adjusts the volume change of the thermal oil, and the oil storage tank is used to store and replenish the thermal oil. The control system monitors and adjusts the entire process to ensure the safety and efficiency of the system.

Thermal oil acts as the heat carrier in the transfer process, playing a crucial role. It has a high boiling point and thermal stability, allowing high-temperature heat transfer at lower pressures. This enables the thermal oil boiler to provide a precise and stable high-temperature heat source. Additionally, the low vapor pressure and good fluidity of thermal oil ensure the safety and efficiency of the system, avoiding the risks associated with high-pressure systems.

Compared to other heating systems, such as steam boilers, thermal oil boilers offer significant advantages in high-temperature applications. Firstly, thermal oil boilers can provide high-temperature heat sources at lower pressures, reducing operational risks and maintenance costs. Secondly, the temperature control of thermal oil is more precise and stable, making it suitable for processes requiring strict temperature control. Moreover, thermal oil boilers have higher thermal efficiency and lower heat loss, contributing to reduced energy consumption and production costs. In contrast, steam boilers require high pressure to achieve similar temperatures, and the phase change of steam results in significant energy loss.

3.Methods to Improve the Efficiency of Thermal Oil Boilers

Methods to improve thermal oil boiler efficiency: optimize combustion, perform maintenance, install heat recovery, upgrade automation, and improve insulation

A highly efficient thermal oil boiler not only significantly reduces energy consumption and operating costs but also extends equipment lifespan and reduces maintenance frequency. Additionally, improving efficiency helps reduce waste heat emissions, lessening environmental impact, and aiding enterprises in achieving higher environmental standards, thus enhancing market competitiveness. Based on this importance, the following are several effective methods to improve the efficiency of thermal oil boilers.

1. Optimize the Combustion System

Adjust Burner Parameters to Improve Combustion Efficiency: By precisely adjusting the air-to-fuel ratio of the burner, it ensures that the fuel undergoes complete oxidation during combustion, reducing the production of unburned fuel and harmful gases. Additionally, appropriately adjusting parameters such as flame length, combustion temperature, and combustion speed can optimize heat transfer, improve combustion efficiency, and reduce energy consumption. These adjustments maximize the calorific value of the fuel, allowing the thermal oil boiler to operate at a more efficient level.

Use High-Efficiency Burners: Modern high-efficiency burners use advanced combustion technologies, such as premixed combustion and staged combustion, which can significantly improve fuel combustion efficiency and reduce harmful emissions in flue gas. Additionally, high-efficiency burners often come with more precise control systems that can monitor and adjust the combustion process in real-time, ensuring the boiler operates efficiently under various conditions. This not only enhances thermal energy utilization but also extends the lifespan of the boiler, further reducing operating costs.

2. Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Regularly Clean the Heat Exchanger to Prevent Scaling: The heat exchanger is a critical component of the thermal oil boiler, responsible for transferring the heat generated from fuel combustion to the thermal oil. However, as the boiler operates over time, impurities in the thermal oil or external contaminants may cause scaling on the surface of the heat exchanger. This scaling can significantly reduce heat exchange efficiency, leading to higher fuel consumption to achieve the same heating effect, thereby increasing energy costs. Regular cleaning of the heat exchanger can effectively prevent scaling formation, ensuring efficient heat transfer to the thermal oil and maintaining the boiler's high-efficiency operation.

Inspect the Quality of the Thermal Oil to Ensure Stable Performance: Thermal oil is the core medium in the boiler system, and its quality directly affects the system's heat transfer performance and operational safety. Over time, thermal oil may undergo oxidation or thermal decomposition due to prolonged high-temperature operation, leading to issues such as increased viscosity and acid value. These problems can reduce heat transfer efficiency and even cause system failures. Regularly testing key indicators of the thermal oil, such as flash point, viscosity, and acid value, can help detect oil degradation early, allowing for necessary measures like oil replacement or supplementation to maintain its good performance and ensure stable system operation.

Regularly Replace Aging Components to Prevent Efficiency Decline: Various components of the thermal oil boiler, such as the burner, circulation pump, and seals, may gradually age and lose performance over time. Aging components can lead to incomplete fuel combustion, poor thermal oil circulation, and inadequate sealing, thereby reducing the overall operational efficiency of the boiler. Regular inspection and replacement of these aging components can prevent failures, ensure the boiler system operates at optimal efficiency, extend the equipment’s lifespan, and reduce maintenance and operating costs.

3. Install a Waste Heat Recovery System

Improve Energy Utilization through Waste Heat Recovery: During the operation of a thermal oil boiler, a large amount of high-temperature flue gas is produced, which carries a significant amount of waste heat. If this heat is directly discharged, it not only wastes valuable thermal energy but also may negatively impact the environment. By installing a waste heat recovery system, the heat that would otherwise be wasted can be recovered and used to preheat boiler feedwater or air, thereby improving the overall energy utilization of the boiler. The application of a waste heat recovery system can significantly reduce fuel consumption, lower energy costs, and reduce boiler emissions, playing a positive role in environmental protection.

Application of Air Preheaters: An air preheater is a common device in waste heat recovery systems. It recovers waste heat from flue gas to preheat combustion air, increasing the temperature of the air entering the combustion chamber and enhancing combustion efficiency. The application of this equipment can maximize the recovery and utilization of waste heat from boiler exhaust gases, significantly improving the boiler's energy utilization rate, further reducing operating costs, and bringing significant economic benefits to enterprises.

4. Upgrade the Automation Control System

Use Advanced Control Systems for Precise Temperature Control:

The efficiency and safety of a thermal oil boiler largely depend on precise temperature control. Traditional temperature control methods often suffer from slow response times and low control accuracy, which may lead to overheating or insufficient temperatures, affecting the stability of the production process and product quality. Upgrading to an advanced automation control system enables high-precision temperature control of the boiler. Advanced control systems are equipped with precise sensors and fast-responding regulators that can monitor and adjust the thermal oil temperature in real-time, ensuring stable operation within the set temperature range. This improvement enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the boiler, reducing energy waste.

Real-Time Monitoring of System Performance and Adjustment of Operating Parameters:

The operational state and performance parameters of a boiler can be influenced by various factors during actual operation, such as fuel quality, ambient temperature, and load changes. An upgraded automation control system can monitor the operational indicators of the boiler in real-time, such as pressure, flow rate, and temperature, and use intelligent algorithms to analyze this data, promptly adjusting operating parameters to optimize boiler performance. Such systems can automatically identify and respond to anomalies during operation, reducing the need for manual intervention and lowering the likelihood of malfunctions. Additionally, the automation control system can record and analyze operational data, providing valuable references for subsequent maintenance and optimization, further improving the efficiency and reliability of the boiler.

5. Improve Insulation Performance

Use High-Quality Insulation Materials to Reduce Heat Loss:

The efficient operation of a thermal oil boiler not only relies on the performance of the core equipment but also on the effective retention of heat. High-quality insulation materials can significantly reduce heat loss, ensuring that more thermal energy is used in the production process rather than being wasted during transmission. By selecting insulation materials with high heat resistance and low thermal conductivity, the insulation performance of the boiler and its piping system can be greatly improved. This improvement enables the boiler system to generate more usable heat energy with the same fuel consumption, thereby enhancing energy utilization efficiency, reducing operating costs, and lowering the surface temperature of the boiler, improving the safety and comfort of the working environment.

Inspect and Repair the Insulation Layer of Boiler Piping:

As the boiler operates over time, the insulation layer may deteriorate, become damaged, or fall off due to external environmental factors or prolonged thermal stress. These issues can increase heat loss, not only reducing the boiler’s thermal efficiency but also potentially raising the ambient temperature, increasing energy consumption, and posing safety hazards. Regular inspection of the insulation layer on boiler pipes and equipment allows for timely detection and repair of such issues, maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the insulation. Replacing or reinforcing aging or damaged insulation materials can further enhance the system’s insulation performance, ensuring the boiler operates under optimal conditions, extending equipment life, and significantly saving energy.

4.EPCB Case Study: Successful Practice in Enhancing the Efficiency of Thermal Oil Boilers

EPCB Pharmaceuticals customer's thermal oil boiler efficiency improvement case background

EPCB boiler, a professional boiler manufacturer, has years of extensive experience in the industrial thermal energy equipment field. The company is committed to providing global customers with efficient, environmentally friendly, and intelligent boiler solutions. Especially in the area of improving thermal oil boiler efficiency, EPCB possesses unique expertise and practical experience. Through continuous technological innovation and optimization, EPCB helps clients improve energy utilization, reduce operating costs, and meet the diverse needs of various industries.

Project Background

A pharmaceutical company was facing rising energy costs and increasing environmental pressure. They needed to upgrade their existing thermal oil boiler system to improve overall operational efficiency and reduce production costs. The main challenges faced by the pharmaceutical company included low thermal energy utilization, aging boiler equipment, high maintenance costs, and difficulty in meeting increasingly stringent environmental regulations. In this context, the pharmaceutical company chose to collaborate with EPCB to seek an effective solution.


In response to the specific needs and challenges of the pharmaceutical company, EPCB developed a series of efficiency improvement measures and applied advanced technologies and optimization strategies:

1.Introduction of a Waste Heat Recovery System
EPCB installed an air preheater in the boiler system at the pharmaceutical plant. This preheater utilizes the waste heat from the boiler exhaust to preheat the boiler feedwater and combustion air, significantly improving boiler thermal efficiency and reducing fuel consumption.

2.Strict Management of Thermal Oil Quality
By conducting regular inspections and replacing the thermal oil as needed, EPCB ensured the high performance and stability of the thermal oil, reducing heat loss and maintenance costs within the system.

3.Upgrade of the Automation Control System
EPCB upgraded the automation control system for the pharmaceutical plant, enabling precise temperature control and real-time monitoring of the boiler. The system can automatically adjust operating parameters based on the operating conditions, further enhancing boiler efficiency.

4.Updating Insulation Materials
By using high-quality insulation materials and repairing the insulation layer of the boiler pipes, EPCB significantly reduced heat loss in the system, increased thermal energy utilization, and optimized overall operational efficiency.

Results and Benefits

As a result of the efficiency improvement measures implemented by EPCB, the pharmaceutical company’s thermal oil boiler system achieved remarkable outcomes:

Through waste heat recovery, strict management of thermal oil quality, and the upgrade of the automation control system, the boiler's thermal efficiency increased by more than 15%, significantly reducing fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

The improvement in energy efficiency directly led to lower fuel costs. Additionally, the implementation of the automation control system reduced the need for manual intervention and maintenance costs. Overall, the pharmaceutical company’s operating costs decreased by approximately 20%.

With more stable temperature control, the pharmaceutical company's production processes became more precise and stable, leading to improved final product quality. Customer satisfaction with product quality increased significantly.

5.Advantages of Enhancing Thermal Oil Boiler Efficiency

In a highly competitive market, controlling production costs and improving energy efficiency have become crucial factors influencing a company's competitiveness. As one of the core pieces of equipment in the production process, the performance and efficiency of thermal oil boilers directly impact a company's operating costs and market position.

Advantages of Enhancing Thermal Oil Boiler Efficiency

Cost Savings

The most immediate advantage of improving boiler efficiency is the reduction in fuel consumption. By optimizing heat energy utilization, companies can significantly decrease their fuel needs, thereby lowering operating costs. Additionally, reducing energy waste can lead to long-term economic benefits, giving companies a competitive edge.

Environmental Protection

Efficiency improvements not only save costs but also contribute significantly to environmental protection. Higher combustion and heat energy utilization efficiency mean fewer harmful emissions, reducing negative impacts on air quality. This also helps companies comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations, minimizing the risk of fines and damage to their reputation due to excessive emissions.

Increased Productivity

Stable temperature control is key to producing high-quality pharmaceuticals. By enhancing the efficiency of thermal oil boilers, companies can achieve more stable and precise temperature regulation, ensuring the production line operates efficiently. Temperature stability is directly related to the quality and consistency of pharmaceutical products, thus boosting productivity and ensuring that products meet high industry standards.

6.Considerations for Implementing Thermal Oil Boiler Efficiency Enhancements

3 Considerations for Improving the Efficiency of Thermal Oil Boilers

Project Planning

Before implementing an efficiency enhancement project, thorough project planning is essential. The first step in planning is identifying areas that need improvement. Detailed data monitoring should be conducted to understand the boiler's energy consumption, identifying issues such as low heat energy utilization, excessive fuel consumption, or system aging. Next, a detailed implementation plan should be developed, including specific technical upgrades, equipment replacement, and system optimization steps. Budgeting is also crucial, ensuring sufficient funds are available at all stages of the project, with a contingency fund reserved for potential unexpected situations. Assess potential risks during project implementation and develop corresponding contingency plans to ensure a quick response and adjustment in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Technical Support

The complexity of thermal oil boiler systems necessitates seeking professional technical support during project implementation. Choosing an experienced technical team like EPCB Boiler ensures that the project progresses smoothly according to plan, avoiding delays or cost overruns due to technical issues. EPCB not only provides excellent technical services but can also customize solutions for clients, ensuring that every step is completed under expert guidance.

Additionally, operator training is a crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked. Upgraded systems from EPCB Boiler often incorporate new technologies and advanced automation controls. To ensure operators can proficiently manage the new system and adapt to new operational processes, EPCB provides comprehensive training support. This not only helps employees quickly get up to speed but also ensures the system runs efficiently, contributing to the project's overall success.

Safety Management

Safety management is critical during the implementation of efficiency enhancement projects. EPCB Boiler is well aware that thermal oil boilers involve high-temperature and high-pressure operations, and any neglect of safety can lead to severe consequences. Therefore, the highest safety operating standards are strictly followed at every stage of the project. EPCB provides comprehensive safety management support to clients, ensuring that safety measures are in place throughout the planning and implementation phases of the project. Operators on-site must use appropriate personal protective equipment, and safety barriers are installed in key areas to prevent accidents. After the project is completed, regular site inspections should be conducted to ensure that all equipment and operations comply with strict safety standards.


How long does it take to see results from thermal oil boiler efficiency improvements?

The timeframe for seeing efficiency improvements depends on the project's scale and complexity. Generally, small-scale improvements, such as optimizing the combustion system or replacing insulation materials, can yield results within a few weeks. Larger-scale upgrades, like installing waste heat recovery systems or upgrading automation control systems, typically take several months to show significant effects. After the entire project is completed, reductions in fuel consumption and increased production efficiency can usually be observed within one production cycle.

Is it necessary to shut down production for efficiency enhancements?
Whether production needs to be halted depends on the specific improvement measures. Some minor optimizations or routine maintenance can be carried out without affecting normal production, such as during scheduled maintenance periods. However, larger-scale upgrades, such as installing new equipment or systems, may require a short-term shutdown. Through careful project planning and phased implementation, companies can minimize downtime, ensuring the continuity of production and the smooth progress of efficiency enhancements.

Which technologies are suitable for different scales of pharmaceutical companies?
Different scales of pharmaceutical companies should choose efficiency enhancement technologies based on their needs and budget. For small to medium-sized pharmaceutical companies, simple yet effective measures like replacing high-efficiency burners or improving insulation materials may be more suitable, as they are cost-effective and offer quick returns. For large pharmaceutical companies, installing waste heat recovery systems or upgrading automation control systems can be considered. Although these measures require a larger initial investment, they can bring significant efficiency improvements and long-term economic benefits.

How can the costs of efficiency enhancements be recovered?
The payback period for efficiency enhancement investments depends on the project's scale and the specific measures implemented. Generally, smaller-scale improvement projects can recoup investments within 1 to 2 years through fuel cost savings and reduced maintenance expenses. Larger-scale technological upgrades may take 3 to 5 years or longer to recover costs. However, with continuous efficiency improvements, companies can significantly lower long-term operating costs and achieve substantial economic benefits over the coming years.

How to choose the right technology partner?
Choosing the right technology partner is key to ensuring the success of an efficiency enhancement project. First, select a company with extensive experience and expertise that can provide customized solutions and handle various technical challenges. Second, review potential partners' past projects and customer reviews to assess their project execution capabilities and the quality of after-sales service. Finally, ensure the partner can offer comprehensive technical support and training to help the company maximize the benefits of the project.


Thermal oil boilers play a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry. They not only provide a stable heat source for the production process, but also directly affect the quality and production efficiency of drugs. EPCB boilers have always been committed to providing pharmaceutical companies with efficient and stable thermal energy solutions. By optimizing the combustion system, regular maintenance and overhaul, installing waste heat recovery systems, upgrading automatic control systems, and improving insulation performance, pharmaceutical factories can significantly improve the operating efficiency of thermal oil boilers.

With the continuous advancement of technology, EPCB boilers will lead the intelligent and automated transformation of thermal oil boiler efficiency. In order to maintain competitiveness and achieve sustainable development, EPCB encourages pharmaceutical factories to actively implement efficiency improvement measures, invest in modern technology and system optimization to meet future challenges and achieve long-term economic and environmental benefits. By choosing EPCB boilers, your company will be at the forefront of the industry and achieve outstanding production benefits and environmental protection results.

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